NABARD Grade A Mentorship Programme

Clarity NABARD Mentorship programme is one stop solution for NABARD Exam which covers Phase I of NABARD Exam, Phase II of NABARD Exam, Test Series for both Phase of NABARD Exam. The programme also includes your Psychometric test, Interview guidance and Mocks for NABARD Grade A exam.

Recipe of NABARD

  • Read Less, But Read Effective
  • Quality over Quantity
  • Revise, Revise & Revise
  • Practice more but Practice Quality Stuff

How our course is different from others?

NABARD Grade A Mentorship Programme

Time is the most important entity in this world and we believe in saving each second of aspirants by giving. Why to go through 500 videos and 300-400 pages notes? Do you want to crack NABARD exam for Managerial post or want to do Msc or Bsc in Agriculture. Work of Manager is to simplify the things and manage lot of things with smartness.

selection in nabard grade a 2023

Its proven, done and dusted please check list of Toppers In our portal!

ConciseTo the point and Concise material, we do not dump PDF’s upon you. What is required as per need and trend of NABARD Grade A exam we deliver that to the NABARD Candidates
ARD SimplifiedMost Non Agriculture students are confused with ARD portion of NABARD, our expertise in it cannot be matched by anyone. What others make a mistake is that as they do not have appropriate expertise in the field they dump everything, so instead of helping the NABARD aspirants they are making situation complex for them. Compare our NABARD Master notes with any course things will be clear. If 40 pages notes is sufficient for say Animal Husbandry why to read 200 pages for that. You are here to crack NABARD Grade A exam for Managerial post not to do Msc or Bsc in Agriculture.
ESI DecodedESI is all about current aspects. Static portion is completed through short concept classes which will save your time. The current ESI & ARD = Schemes (Analytical Study) + Reports in News + Back linking study of PIB with Power Play Tests. Again we cover the things here with SMART approach. Theme is to save your time and not DUMP PDF’s upon you. I SAY NO NEED to read list of 200 -300 schemes. It is wastage of precious time for NABARD Grade A exam.
Quant + Reasoning + EnglishNABARD is not interested in selecting a candidate based on QRE. It is a qualifying paper and again you do not have to spend a lot of time for this section. Just hit the right topics for basic understanding then give atleast 15 full length mocks before the exam to learn the art of Time management for this exam as why students fail to crack Phase I is that they are not prepared to manage time well for phase I of NABARD Exam. We cater again here in smart possible way to have command on this topic
General AwarenessWe complete GA again in smartest way possible through Power Play Test and Concise Notes. Remember GA is not carried over to Phase II of exam so DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME in reading lot of things for this paper of NABARD Exam.
Test Series for Phase IHigh Quality sectional and full length tests
Test Series for Phase IIHigh Quality tests and Descriptive Evaluation. Every year what we guess surely reflects in Phase II of Exam of NABARD Grade A
Technical DescriptiveBeing covered through Live sessions, Practice Questions, Tests and evaluations
English DescriptiveThe rules of writing English Descriptive is totally different for IBPS based exams, we will deal with tricks, tips, sessions and tests to help you excel in this paper.
Doubt ClearanceDirectly with Mentor through Call, Telegram and live classes


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C4S Courses is one of India’s fastest-growing ed-tech platform, dedicated to helping students prepare for premier entrance exams such as NABARD Grade A and RBI Grade B.

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C4S Courses is one of India’s fastest-growing ed-tech platform, dedicated to helping students prepare for premier entrance exams such as NABARD Grade A and RBI Grade B.


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