Master of RBI Preparation

C4S has created a complete ecosystem to crack RBI Grade B exam. |

“Comprehensive RBI Grade B Exam Ecosystem: Strategy, Resources, Support, and Continuous Assessment”

Power Play Test Series for RBI Grade B


Strengthen your exam preparation with true mentorship and choose the course that best suits your learning needs. Our courses are designed to provide comprehensive support and guidance to help you excel in the RBI Grade B exam. 

Course Features:

Video Lectures

Engaging and informative video lectures covering all topics.

Study Notes

Clear and concise study notes for each subject to aid your understanding and revision.

Test Series

A variety of practice tests and mock exams to evaluate your progress and improve your exam-taking skills.

Doubt Classes

Interactive doubt-clearing sessions where you can get answers to your questions and strengthen your grasp on difficult topics.

LIVE Classes

Real-time classes to learn and interact with experts and peers.

1:1 Mentorship

Personalized guidance and support from experienced mentors.

Choose a RBI Grade B Online Mentorship Course

Choose the Online RBI Grade B Mentorship course that aligns with your learning style and start your journey towards success with confidence.
RBI Grade B Mentorship & Test Series

Achieve success in the RBI Grade B exam with our specialized Mentorship & Test Series. Benefit from personalized guidance, expert mentoring, and a comprehensive test series covering both Phase I and Phase II.

₹ 3,500

₹ 4,000

RBI Grade B High Level Test Series Phase 1 and 2

Enhance your preparation and boost your confidence with our expert-crafted test series designed specifically for the RBI Grade B exam.

₹ 1,999

₹ 2,500

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Our series provides access to updated master notes, live classes, weekly tests, descriptive english covering and many more…

₹ 999

₹ 1,999

RBI & NABARD 2024 Mentorship Cum Test Series Program

Our series provides access to updated master notes, live classes, weekly tests, descriptive evaluation covering both Phase I & II and many more…

₹ 5,001

₹ 7,000

English Descriptive RBI NABARD 2024

You Cannot think of final selection without a good mark in ENGLISH. A Unique Combo Online course to help you to increase your score in English.

₹ 1,500

₹ 3,000

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Choose C4SCourses for a proven path to your goals, with mentors who are dedicated to your success.

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Real-Life Insights

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RBI Grade B Online Course (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions
How many times is the RBI Grade B exam conducted?

The RBI Grade B exam is typically conducted once a year. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) releases an official notification announcing the exam dates, application process, and other important details. The selection process usually includes three phases:

  1. Phase I (Preliminary Exam): This is an objective test covering subjects like General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning.

  2. Phase II (Main Exam): This consists of three papers – Economic and Social Issues, English (writing skills), and Finance and Management.

  3. Interview: Candidates who clear Phase II are called for an interview.

The exact schedule and frequency can vary, so it is important to regularly check the official RBI website or reliable exam notification sources for the most up-to-date information.

Eligibility Criteria for RBI Grade B:

  • Age: 21-30 years (age relaxation for reserved categories).
  • Education: Minimum 60% in graduation (50% for SC/ST/PwBD).
  • Nationality: Indian citizen or specified categories of Nepal, Bhutan, or Tibetan refugees.
  • Attempts: 6 for General category; no limit for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD.

Tips for RBI Grade B Phase I & II Exam Preparation:

Phase I (Preliminary Exam)

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Focus on General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning.
  2. Regular Reading: Read newspapers, financial magazines, and follow current affairs to excel in General Awareness.
  3. Practice Aptitude and Reasoning: Solve previous years’ papers and take mock tests regularly to improve speed and accuracy.
  4. Improve Vocabulary: Read books, articles, and practice vocabulary exercises for the English section.
  5. Time Management: Practice managing your time efficiently during the exam.


Phase II (Main Exam)

  1. Economic and Social Issues (ESI):

    • Read Standard Books: Refer to “Indian Economy” by Ramesh Singh and current affairs materials.
    • Stay Updated: Follow economic surveys, Union Budget, and RBI reports.
  2. English (Writing Skills):

    • Practice Writing: Regularly write essays, précis, and reports on various topics.
    • Improve Grammar: Work on grammar and sentence structure.
  3. Finance and Management (FM):

    • Core Concepts: Study fundamental concepts of finance and management.
    • Reference Books: Use books like “Financial Management” by Prasanna Chandra and “Principles of Management” by Harold Koontz.


General Tips for Both Phases

  1. Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to assess your preparation and identify weak areas.
  2. Previous Year Papers: Solve previous year papers to understand the exam pattern and types of questions.
  3. Notes and Revision: Make concise notes for quick revision of important topics.
  4. Join Study Groups: Engage in study groups or forums to discuss and clarify doubts.
  5. Healthy Routine: Maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to stay focused and energized.
  6. Consistent Study: Follow a consistent study schedule, dedicating specific hours daily to each subject.


By following these tips and maintaining a disciplined study routine, you can effectively prepare for both phases of the RBI Grade B exam.

To access the RBI Grade B Online Course on, follow these steps:

    1. Visit Website: Go to
    2. Sign Up/Login: Create an account or log in with existing credentials.
    3. Search Course: Find the “RBI Grade B Online Course” using the search bar.
    4. Enroll: Click “Enroll” and follow the instructions.
    5. Make Payment: Complete the payment process if required.
    6. Access Materials: Go to “My Courses” to start accessing course materials.
    7. Join Sessions: Participate in live classes, webinars, and forums.
    8. Track Progress: Monitor your progress and take quizzes.
    9. Support: Contact support if you need help.

C4S Courses is one of India’s fastest-growing ed-tech platform, dedicated to helping students prepare for premier entrance exams such as NABARD Grade A and RBI Grade B.


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RBI Grade B


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