Key Highlights
- COP30 Dates & Location: Scheduled for November 10-21, 2025, in Brazil.
- Key Focus Areas:
- Global Ethical Stocktake (GST) to track progress on the 1.5°C target.
- Transition from fossil fuels and deforestation.
- Tripling renewable energy and doubling energy efficiency.
- Scaling up climate finance to $1.3 trillion annually.
- Climate adaptation measures for vulnerable communities.
- Implementation of COP28 agreements.
Global Temperature Trends
- January 2025 was the warmest on record, with global temperatures 1.75°C above pre-industrial levels.
- Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported:
- Global avg. temp in Jan 2025: 13.23°C.
- 0.09°C warmer than Jan 2024.
- 0.79°C above the 1991-2020 avg., despite La Niña’s cooling effect.
The Role of the Global Ethical Stocktake (GST)
- Assessing Climate Progress: A review mechanism under the Paris Agreement conducted every five years.
- Led by Brazil’s President Lula da Silva & UN Secretary-General Guterres.
- Six global dialogues planned, covering regions like the Arctic, involving:
- Youth, women, scientists, religious leaders, business leaders, activists, indigenous communities, and traditional societies.
- Goal: Align global behaviors and decisions with the 1.5°C target.
Brazil’s Adaptation Strategy
- National Adaptation Plan with 16 sub-programs targeting:
- Vulnerable urban communities affected by heatwaves and wildfires.
- Food security systems impacted by extreme weather.
- Early warning systems for climate disasters.
IPCC Chair’s Perspective
- Jim Skea (IPCC Chair):
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is impossible without climate action.
- Article 2 of the Paris Agreement is crucial:
- Keep global temp rise below 2°C, aim for 1.5°C.
- Enhance adaptation capacity and climate resilience.
- IPCC’s stance: Science-driven, not political.
COP30 aims to accelerate climate finance, enforce fossil fuel transition, and strengthen climate adaptation efforts. The Global Ethical Stocktake will serve as a critical accountability mechanism to ensure countries align their policies with t